Fresh! Food Peace News for YOU May 17, 2016

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Have you seen this BuzzFeed video where guys get photoshopped to look like their favorite model poses?? Check it out here. {Warning: lots of fabulous F bombs and raunchy talk so not work or child appropriate.} They picked some funny guys yet I was pleasantly surprised to hear honest body image discussions. 

My favorite quote from the 10 minute video:
“If you have a problem with how you look, it’s a way deeper issue than changing your outsides.”

Are you surprised guys struggle too? Probably not and since everyone struggles.

This week’s podcast discusses living in a body that you sometimes love, respect and appreciate and other times feel dissatisfaction. Can a person experience all of these and still model body positivity?

I say yes and share some of my own body image struggles. Yup, I struggle too.

You can listen to the episode by clicking here or clicking the newsletter link to read more.

Thank you for connecting, reading the newsletter, and listening to the podcast. I am incredibly grateful for you!!

Have a great week friends.


p.s. Wonder what other food peace news is out there this week? Here’s the newsletter. Be sure to subscribe here if you’d like to get the newsletter {virtually} hand delivered to your inbox every Tuesday. No spam ever. Pinky swear.


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