Provider PCOS + Food Peace Course Details

provider pcos and food peace course details

Hey there fellow provider,

Thank you for trusting me to learn how to help people with PCOS. A few things have come to my attention that has lead me to decide to retire the Provider PCOS + Food Peace Course in June 2021.

You may be reading this because you want to purchase this course and I hope this helps clarify for you whether that is your next best steps.

I want this post to help you understand why I am making this decision and what steps course members are to take before it goes in the digital course creation vault.

On June 25th, 2021 my CDR approved continuing education CEUs expire. This means I will need to reapply and this process is not simple and quite time consuming. I started to connect with the overwhelm of this task, wondering how I will find the time to do this–the pandemic is no where near over and my two kids are still schooling from home.

I have a feeling you can relate to starting a new year reevaluating your time and resources. We all need to be sure we are working to not burn out and get enough rest. When I evaluated how much time and resources I have now (and probably until August 2021–my guess for the return to school), I need to remove some tasks from my plate.

It became clear to me that I could no longer provide what this course needs after June 2021.

This makes me sad honestly yet relieved that I won’t be burning the candle from both ends.

What does this mean for us now? Here’s a breakdown:

  • I will continue to host monthly consultation calls on the third Thursday of the month at 1 pm US EST through June.
  • Dietitians: be sure to complete all your CEUs before June 25th 2021. After you finish all the modules, you automatically get an email from me that includes course test questions. Submitting these questions as instructed in the email allows dietitians to get the CEU certificate.
  • I will be removing the course from the platform on June 26th 2021. Be sure to download all the content so you can access it after that if you like. I will be checking to make sure all the content is downloadable this month. The only items that will not be available to download include the consultation calls.
  • If you are a provider with PCOS, I want to extend free access to my consumer course. I will send an email at a later date to see who would like this option.
  • Everyone who completes the course and practices as a fat positive provider has the option to be listed as a PCOS + Food Peace Provider. I give this list out daily when people ask for PCOS provider recommendations. I would love to have you on the list.
  • I am adding more coaching calls to my consumer PCOS + Food Peace course. Would you be interested in being a part of this? It would be a paid opportunity to meet with my course members, teach them something you enjoy teaching, and answer any questions. You can apply here.

Current course members–thank you from the bottom of my heart for trusting me over the last 3 years teaching you how I help people with PCOS. I am impressed with you and your expertise. Please know you have taught me so much and I am grateful.

Take care,


p.s. ICYMI–Would you be interested in leading a PCOS + Food Peace consumer coaching call? It would be a paid opportunity to meet with my course members, teach them something you enjoy teaching, and answer any questions. You can apply here.



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